Webinars: "Airport Fire Safety & Rescue Management"

Date: Aug 30, 2021
Time: 04:00 PM to 05:00 PM NPT
Venue: Online
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Modern commercial aircrafts can have the capacity to carry several hundred passengers and crew. Thus, due to high casualty potential of an aviation emergency, it is critical that emergency response equipment and staff arrive at the scene within the minimum possible time. The maximum response time from initial notification until the first vehicle is on scene and spraying fire retardant is defined by State regulation and generally ranges from three to four minutes under conditions of good visibility and uncontaminated surfaces. At large airports, this often means that more than one fire station will be necessary. This on time arrival and the firefighters’ initial mission to protect the aircraft against all hazards, most critically fire, increases the survivability of the passengers and crew on board. Airport firefighters have advanced training in the application of firefighting foams and other agents used to extinguish burning aviation fuel in and around an aircraft. This helps to give and maintain a path for the evacuating passengers to exit the area of fire hazard. If fire is present within the cabin or encroach upon the cabin from an external fire, the responders must work to control and extinguish those fires as well.

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